Policies and Procedures

The Policies contained on this Web site have been approved by College Executive and are enacted under the authority of section 15(1)(h) of the College Act, 1996, in conjunction with Board Policy GP-RR-904.

“Section 15(1)(h) of the Act grants to the Board of the College the authority to “make general policies to govern the organization, administration and operation of the college including personnel policies which, unless otherwise approved by the minister, shall adhere to the personnel administrative procedure of the province”.  Board Policy GP-RR-904 then authorizes the College President, in consultation with the Board, to develop and implement operational policies and procedures to govern all aspects of the administration of the College.”


  • Categorical List
  • Alphabetical List

Categorical List

Close Academic
Aboriginal Education
Policy: AC-116
line-separatorAcademic Council
Policy: AC-100
Procedure: AC-100-PR
line-separatorAcademic Definitions
Policy: AC-101
Procedure: AC-101-PR
line-separatorAcademic Integrity
Policy: AC-123
Procedure: AC-123-PR
line-separatorAcademic Program Assessment
Policy: AC-122
Procedure: AC-122-PR
Policy: AC-102
Procedure: AC-102-PR
line-separatorApplied Degree Program Approval
Policy: AC-121
Procedure: AC-121-PR
Document/s: Appendix A | Appendix B 
line-separatorAwarding Diplomas & Certificates
Policy: AC-104
Procedure: AC-104-PR
Policy: AC-118
Procedure: AC-118-PR
line-separatorCouncil of Deans and Academic Directors
Policy: AC-115
Procedure: AC-115-PR
line-separatorEthics for Research Involving Humans
Policy: AC-113
Procedure: AC-113-PR
line-separatorIndustrial Trades - Rewrites
Policy: AC-117
Procedure: AC-117-PR
line-separatorIntellectual Property
Policy: AC-111
Procedure: AC-111-PR
line-separatorMedical Requirements
Policy: AC-108
Procedure: AC-108-PR
Policy: AC-107
Procedure: AC-107-PR
line-separatorProgram Advisory Committees
Policy: AC-110
Procedure: AC-110-PR
line-separatorProgram Approval - New Programs
Policy: AC-106
Procedure: AC-106-PR
line-separatorProgram Eligibility List and Program Waitlist
Policy: AC-119
Procedure: AC-119-PR
line-separatorProgram Review
Policy: AC-109
Procedure: AC-109-PR
Policy: AC-103
Procedure: AC-103-PR
line-separatorSigning Authority for Academic Credentials
Policy: AC-120
Procedure: AC-120-PR
line-separatorUse of Animals in Teaching
Policy: AC-112
Procedure: AC-112-PR
Corporate Services or Finance and Administration
Breach of Contract by CNA Contractor
Policy: CS-316
line-separatorCapital Allocation and Spending
Policy: CS-304
Procedure: CS-304-PR
line-separatorCollege Closure
Policy: FA-303
Procedure: FA-303-PR
line-separatorCollege Vehicles
Policy: CS-315
Procedure: CS-315-PR
line-separatorDisposal of Assets
Policy: CS-322
Procedure: CS-322-PR
line-separatorEmergency Response Plan
Policy: CS-311
Procedure: CS-311-PR
Policy: CS-307
line-separatorFinancial Audit
Policy: CS-302
Procedure: CS-302-PR
line-separatorFinancial Credit
Policy: CS-319
Procedure: CS-319-PR
Document/s: Financial Contract  
line-separatorFixed Asset Inventory
Policy: CS-306
Procedure: CS-306-PR
Policy: CS-314
Procedure: CS-314-PR
line-separatorMemberships Associations Organizations
Policy: CS-309
Procedure: CS-309-PR
Document/s: Membership Fee Form 
line-separatorMobile Communications Technologies
Policy: CS-310
Procedure: CS-310-PR
line-separatorPartnership Agreements - Contracts
Policy: CS-305
Procedure: CS-305-PR
line-separatorPetty Cash
Policy: CS-317
Procedure: CS-317-PR
Policy: CS-318
Procedure: CS-318-PR
line-separatorRisk Management
Policy: CS-313
Procedure: CS-313-PR
line-separatorTravel and Entertainment
Policy: CS-308
Procedure: CS-308-PR
line-separatorTuition and Fees
Policy: CS-301
Procedure: CS-301-PR
Human Resources
Conflict of Interest
Policy: HR-401
Procedure: HR-401-PR
line-separatorContinuous Learning
Policy: HR-404
Procedure: HR-404-PR
line-separatorEarly and Safe Return to Work
Policy: HR-407
Procedure: HR-407-PR
line-separatorEmployee Code of Conduct
Policy: HR-403
Procedure: HR-403-PR
line-separatorEmployee Discipline
Policy: HR-414
Procedure: HR-414-PR
line-separatorEmployee Name Change
Policy: HR-410
Procedure: HR-410-PR
line-separatorEmployee Recognition
Policy: HR-406
line-separatorEmployee Recognition - Awards of Excellence
Procedure: HR-406-PR-1
line-separatorExit Interviews
Policy: HR-412
Procedure: HR-412-PR
line-separatorFlexible Work Arrangements
Policy: HR-411
line-separatorFlexible Work Arrangements - Ad-Hoc Telework
Procedure: HR-411-PR-2
line-separatorFlexible Work Arrangements - Flex, Compressed and Telework
Procedure: HR-411-PR-1
line-separatorHours of Work and Overtime
Policy: HR-415
Procedure: HR-415-PR
line-separatorNew Employee Orientation
Policy: HR-418
Procedure: HR-418-PR
line-separatorOccupational Health and Safety
Policy: HR-405
line-separatorOccupational Health and Safety - Hazard Recognition Evaluation and Control
Procedure: HR-405-PR-2
line-separatorOccupational Health and Safety - Incident Reporting and Investigations
Procedure: HR-405-PR-3
line-separatorOccupational Health and Safety - Medical Ergonomic Assessments
Procedure: HR-405-PR-4
line-separatorOccupational Health and Safety - Working Alone
Procedure: HR-405-PR-5
line-separatorOccupational Health and Safety - Workplace Inspections
Procedure: HR-405-PR-1
line-separatorPolitical Activity
Policy: HR-408
Procedure: HR-408-PR
Policy: HR-409
Procedure: HR-409-PR
line-separatorScent Policy
Policy: HR-420
Document/s: Scent Free Flyer 
line-separatorSmoke Free College
Policy: HR-419
Procedure: HR-419-PR
line-separatorSpecial Leave Without Pay
Policy: HR-402
Procedure: HR-402-PR
Information Systems
Electronic Information Systems Use
Policy: IS-501
Procedure: IS-501-PR
line-separatorElectronic Mail (E-Mail) and Internet Usage
Policy: IS-502
Procedure: IS-502-PR
line-separatorIT Infrastructure Procurement
Policy: IS-506
Procedure: IS-506-PR
line-separatorMobile Computing Devices Procurement & Usage
Policy: IS-504
Procedure: IS-504-PR
line-separatorNetwork User Accounts
Policy: IS-505
Procedure: IS-505-PR
line-separatorPersonal & Confidential College Data Encryption
Policy: IS-503
Procedure: IS-503-PR
International Travel
Policy: INT-900
Procedure: INT-900-PR
President's Office
College Corporate Seal
Policy: PO-003
Procedure: PO-003-PR
line-separatorDevelopment of Policies and Procedures
Policy: PO-001
Procedure: PO-001-PR
Policy: PO-005
Procedure: PO-005-PR
line-separatorSexual Violence
Policy: PO-002
Procedure: PO-002-PR
Policy: PO-006
Public Affairs and Advancement
Access to Information Request
Policy: PA-601
Procedure: PA-601-PR
Policy: PA-608
Procedure: PA-608-PR
line-separatorElectronic Records
Policy: PA-613
Procedure: PA-613-PR
line-separatorInstitutional Research
Policy: PA-611
Procedure: PA-611-PR
line-separatorMarketing the College
Policy: PA-607
Procedure: PA-607-PR
line-separatorPrivacy Breach
Policy: PA-602
Procedure: PA-602-PR
line-separatorProspect Clearance
Policy: PA-609
Procedure: PA-609-PR
line-separatorPublic Relations - Media Coverage
Policy: PA-606
Procedure: PA-606-PR
line-separatorRecords and Information Management
Policy: PA-603
Procedure: PA-603-PR
line-separatorSocial Media
Policy: PA-605
Policy: PA-610
Procedure: PA-610-PR
Policy: PA-612
Procedure: PA-612-PR
line-separatorWebsite Development & Maintenance
Policy: PA-604
Procedure: PA-604-PR
Student Services
Graduation Ceremonies
Policy: SS-214
Procedure: SS-214-PR
line-separatorLibrary Services - Circulation
Policy: SS-212
Procedure: SS-212-PR
line-separatorLibrary Services - Collection Development
Policy: SS-211
Procedure: SS-211-PR
line-separatorPeer Tutoring
Policy: SS-209
Procedure: SS-209-PR
line-separatorStandardized Testing
Policy: SS-210
Procedure: SS-210-PR
line-separatorStudent Appeals - Academic
Policy: SS-213
Procedure: SS-213-PR
line-separatorStudent Appeals - Non Academic
Policy: SS-203
Procedure: SS-203-PR
line-separatorStudent Attendance
Policy: SS-217
Procedure: SS-217-PR
line-separatorStudent Awards
Policy: SS-204
Procedure: SS-204-PR
line-separatorStudent Code of Conduct
Policy: SS-201
Procedure: SS-201-PR
line-separatorStudent Governance
Policy: SS-205
Procedure: SS-205-PR
line-separatorStudent Name Change
Policy: SS-202
Procedure: SS-202-PR
line-separatorStudent Records
Policy: SS-206
Procedure: SS-206-PR
line-separatorStudents with Disabilities
Policy: SS-207
Procedure: SS-207-PR
Policy: SS-216

For further information or for direction regarding any areas of College operation not covered by these policies, please consult the Human Resources Policy Manual of the Treasury Board Secretariat of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

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Alphabetical List

line-separator Alphabetical Listing by Policy Title
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  W  line-separator


Aboriginal Education
Policy: AC-116
Academic Council
Policy: AC-100
Procedure: AC-100-PR
Academic Definitions
Policy: AC-101
Procedure: AC-101-PR
Academic Integrity
Policy: AC-123
Procedure: AC-123-PR
Academic Program Assessment
Policy: AC-122
Procedure: AC-122-PR
Access to Information Request
Policy: PA-601
Procedure: PA-601-PR
Policy: AC-102
Procedure: AC-102-PR
Applied Degree Program Approval
Policy: AC-121
Procedure: AC-121-PR
Document/s: Appendix A | Appendix B
Awarding Diplomas & Certificates
Policy: AC-104
Procedure: AC-104-PR


Breach of Contract by CNA Contractor
Policy: CS-316


Capital Allocation and Spending
Policy: CS-304
Procedure: CS-304-PR
College Closure
Policy: FA-303
Procedure: FA-303-PR
College Corporate Seal
Policy: PO-003
Procedure: PO-003-PR
Conflict of Interest
Policy: HR-401
Procedure: HR-401-PR
Continuous Learning
Policy: HR-404
Procedure: HR-404-PR
Document/s: CL Handbook | CL Plan | CL Request Feedback Form | CL Request Form | CL Tuition Waiver Request
Policy: AC-118
Procedure: AC-118-PR
Council of Deans and Academic Directors
Policy: AC-115
Procedure: AC-115-PR


Development of Policies and Procedures
Policy: PO-001
Procedure: PO-001-PR
Disposal of Assets
Policy: CS-322
Procedure: CS-322-PR
Policy: PA-608
Procedure: PA-608-PR


Early and Safe Return to Work
Policy: HR-407
Procedure: HR-407-PR
Electronic Information Systems Use
Policy: IS-501
Procedure: IS-501-PR
Electronic Mail (E-Mail) and Internet Usage
Policy: IS-502
Procedure: IS-502-PR
Electronic Records
Policy: PA-613
Procedure: PA-613-PR
Emergency Response Plan
Policy: CS-311
Procedure: CS-311-PR
Document/s: Campus Profile | Fire Protection Form | Fire Reports | Incident Log
Employee Code of Conduct
Policy: HR-403
Procedure: HR-403-PR
Employee Discipline
Policy: HR-414
Procedure: HR-414-PR
Employee Name Change
Policy: HR-410
Procedure: HR-410-PR
Document/s: What to Expect when Making an Employee Name Change
Employee Recognition
Policy: HR-406
Employee Recognition - Awards of Excellence
Procedure: HR-406-PR-1
Document/s: Awards of Excellence Letter of Support | Awards of Excellence Nomination Form
Ethics for Research Involving Humans
Policy: AC-113
Procedure: AC-113-PR
Exit Interviews
Policy: HR-412
Procedure: HR-412-PR


Policy: CS-307
Document/s: Our Academic Calendars  | Our Fees
Financial Audit
Policy: CS-302
Procedure: CS-302-PR
Financial Credit
Policy: CS-319
Procedure: CS-319-PR
Document/s: Financial Contract
Flexible Work Arrangements
Policy: HR-411
Flexible Work Arrangements - Ad-Hoc Telework
Procedure: HR-411-PR-2
Document/s: Ad-Hoc Telework Agreement


Graduation Ceremonies
Policy: SS-214
Procedure: SS-214-PR


Policy: PO-005
Procedure: PO-005-PR
Hours of Work and Overtime
Policy: HR-415
Procedure: HR-415-PR
Document/s: Management Overtime Report | Overtime Casual Shift Differential Report


Industrial Trades - Rewrites
Policy: AC-117
Procedure: AC-117-PR
Institutional Research
Policy: PA-611
Procedure: PA-611-PR
Intellectual Property
Policy: AC-111
Procedure: AC-111-PR
International Travel
Policy: INT-900
Procedure: INT-900-PR
Policy: CS-314
Procedure: CS-314-PR
IT Infrastructure Procurement
Policy: IS-506
Procedure: IS-506-PR


Library Services - Circulation
Policy: SS-212
Procedure: SS-212-PR
Library Services - Collection Development
Policy: SS-211
Procedure: SS-211-PR


Marketing the College
Policy: PA-607
Procedure: PA-607-PR
Medical Requirements
Policy: AC-108
Procedure: AC-108-PR
Memberships Associations Organizations
Policy: CS-309
Procedure: CS-309-PR
Document/s: Membership Fee Form
Policy: AC-107
Procedure: AC-107-PR
Mobile Communications Technologies
Policy: CS-310
Procedure: CS-310-PR
Mobile Computing Devices Procurement & Usage
Policy: IS-504
Procedure: IS-504-PR


Network User Accounts
Policy: IS-505
Procedure: IS-505-PR
New Employee Orientation
Policy: HR-418
Procedure: HR-418-PR
Document/s: New-Employee-Orientation-Competency-Checklist


Occupational Health and Safety
Policy: HR-405
Occupational Health and Safety - Hazard Recognition Evaluation and Control
Procedure: HR-405-PR-2
Document/s: Hazard Examples | Hazard Recognition, Evaluation & Control - Working Alone | Hazard Recognition, Evaluation & Control Form
Occupational Health and Safety - Incident Reporting and Investigations
Procedure: HR-405-PR-3
Document/s: Accident or Incident Sketch | Early and Safe Return to Work Plan | Form 1 | Form 2 | Form 6 | Form 7 | Physician's Report Form 8-10_WPNL_Dec17_2015
Occupational Health and Safety - Medical Ergonomic Assessments
Procedure: HR-405-PR-4
Document/s: Ergonomic Self-Assessment Checklist
Occupational Health and Safety - Working Alone
Procedure: HR-405-PR-5
Document/s: Working Alone Check-In Contact Form | Working Alone Check-In Procedure Template
Occupational Health and Safety - Workplace Inspections
Procedure: HR-405-PR-1
Document/s: Workplace Inspection Checklist and Report Template


Partnership Agreements - Contracts
Policy: CS-305
Procedure: CS-305-PR
Peer Tutoring
Policy: SS-209
Procedure: SS-209-PR
Personal & Confidential College Data Encryption
Policy: IS-503
Procedure: IS-503-PR
Petty Cash
Policy: CS-317
Procedure: CS-317-PR
Political Activity
Policy: HR-408
Procedure: HR-408-PR
Program Advisory Committees
Policy: AC-110
Procedure: AC-110-PR
Program Approval - New Programs
Policy: AC-106
Procedure: AC-106-PR
Program Eligibility List and Program Waitlist
Policy: AC-119
Procedure: AC-119-PR
Program Review
Policy: AC-109
Procedure: AC-109-PR
Prospect Clearance
Policy: PA-609
Procedure: PA-609-PR
Public Relations - Media Coverage
Policy: PA-606
Procedure: PA-606-PR


Records and Information Management
Policy: PA-603
Procedure: PA-603-PR
Policy: AC-103
Procedure: AC-103-PR
Risk Management
Policy: CS-313
Procedure: CS-313-PR


Scent Policy
Policy: HR-420
Document/s: Scent Free Flyer
Sexual Violence
Policy: PO-002
Procedure: PO-002-PR
Signing Authority for Academic Credentials
Policy: AC-120
Procedure: AC-120-PR
Smoke Free College
Policy: HR-419
Procedure: HR-419-PR
Social Media
Policy: PA-605
Document/s: Social Media Guidelines
Special Leave Without Pay
Policy: HR-402
Procedure: HR-402-PR
Standardized Testing
Policy: SS-210
Procedure: SS-210-PR
Policy: PA-610
Procedure: PA-610-PR
Student Appeals - Academic
Policy: SS-213
Procedure: SS-213-PR
Student Appeals - Non Academic
Policy: SS-203
Procedure: SS-203-PR
Student Attendance
Policy: SS-217
Procedure: SS-217-PR
Student Awards
Policy: SS-204
Procedure: SS-204-PR
Student Code of Conduct
Policy: SS-201
Procedure: SS-201-PR
Document/s: Student Responsibilities and Expectations
Student Governance
Policy: SS-205
Procedure: SS-205-PR
Student Name Change
Policy: SS-202
Procedure: SS-202-PR
Document/s: Student Name Change - Expectations
Student Records
Policy: SS-206
Procedure: SS-206-PR
Students with Disabilities
Policy: SS-207
Procedure: SS-207-PR
Policy: PA-612
Procedure: PA-612-PR
Policy: PO-006


Tuition and Fees
Policy: CS-301
Procedure: CS-301-PR


Use of Animals in Teaching
Policy: AC-112
Procedure: AC-112-PR


Policy: SS-216
Website Development & Maintenance
Policy: PA-604
Procedure: PA-604-PR

For further information or for direction regarding any areas of College operation not covered by these policies, please consult the Human Resources Policy Manual of the Treasury Board Secretariat of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

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