Co-operative Education

  • Overview
  • Wage Subsidy
  • Students
  • Employers
  • Co-op Programs
  • Contact Co-op


Co-operative Education is a form of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) that alternates academic semesters with paid, program relevant work experience. Depending on the program, Co-op students will participate in one to three work terms that are usually 12-16 weeks in length.
Co-op starts on the first day of your program. It is important for students to start thinking about what their goals will be throughout their program.
Co-op Programs at College of the North Atlantic, follow Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Canada (CEWIL) guidelines and meet or exceed the academic accreditation standards set by the industrie's professional association.



Co-op Wage Subsidy Funding Programs

Co-op work placements are a win-win for students and employers. Small and medium-sized businesses play a key role in our economy and in the Co-op partnership. Following a time of downturn, wage subsidy programs can be valuable in helping employers boost their capacity with young talent while offsetting costs. Through both provincial and federal resources, employers are eligible to receive a wage subsidy to hire co-op students.

To learn more or express your interest, please connect with the co-op office using this form
Funding is limited and administered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Provincial Government Funding

Federal Government Funding



Co-operative Education provides students with a well-rounded education. It is an opportunity to expand their knowledge and to practice the latest theories and approaches in their particular discipline, and it also allows them to develop employment skills, explore career options, and network with potential employers, which gives them a competitive edge when entering the workforce.


Role of Students

Role of Co-op Office

Role of Employers



Students can make a strong addition to your workplace: they’re driven, offer a fresh perspective, and have relevant skills.

Most importantly, students are committed to learning and gaining experience and are eager to support your organization in achieving its goals.

Students can work for you in a number of capacities; research, technology, marketing, field and lab work, data analysis, health care services, and much more.

Download the Co-op Employer Information Package

Benefits of Hiring a CNA Co-op Student

Hiring a Student – The Co-op Process


Department of Co-operative Office Staff and Contacts

General Email |

Burin Campus

Elizabeth Parrott
Co-op Coordinator | 709-891-5609 |

Corner Brook Campus

Deepti Mhaske
Co-op Coordinator | 709-637-8596 |
Agriculture / Civil / Electronic Systems / Environmental / Software Development

Prince Philip Drive Campus

Mary Farrell
Administrative Support | 709-758-7112 |

Ridge Road Campus:

Cara Vardy
Co-op Coordinator | 709-758-7037 |
Management Systems / Mechanical Manufacturing / Petroleum

David Kenny
Co-op Coordinator | 709-758-7247 |
Computing Systems / Software Development

Denise Avery
Co-op Coordinator | 709-758-7717 |
Chemical / Management Systems / Manufacturing / Petroleum / Safety

Sarah Maunder
Co-op Coordinator | 709-758-7423 |
Team Lead / Electrical / Funding Support

Donna Butt
Administrative Support | 709-758-7003 |


