Advanced Diploma
Programs that offer this credential are approved programs of study consisting of in-depth training for graduates of a diploma program or equivalent. Advanced Diploma Programs will normally:
- be prescribed over a minimum of one semester;
- be comprised of a minimum of 20 credits.
Applied Degree
Programs that offer this credential are approved programs of study consisting of a prescribed combination of courses that must address:
alignment with an applied occupational area of practice.
capstone project requirements including an approved oral defense evaluation.
alignment with the Maritime Degree Level Qualifications Framework for baccalaureate degrees.
Applied Degree Programs will normally:
- be comprised of a minimum of 120 CU credits, with a minimum of 84 CU credits from an approved area of practice.
- be prescribed over a minimum of 8 full 15-week semesters of study (or equivalent). The maximum CU credits awarded are as follows:
- 3 CU credits for a program course regardless of laboratory, shop, study, or other experiential hours
- 6 CU credits for a capstone project regardless of duration
- 18 CU credits in a standard 15-week semester
- 9 CU credits in a compressed (intersession or summer session) semester
- require an approved occupational experience.
Programs that offer this credential are approved programs of study consisting of a prescribed combination of courses that must address:
- occupational skill development;
- academic or general study;
- self interest or personal growth.
Certificate Programs will normally:
- be prescribed over a two semester period;
- be comprised of a minimum of 40 credits; and
- consist of a maximum of seven courses per semester.
Certificate of Achievement
A certificate of achievement is awarded upon successful completion of a program of less than one academic semester or upon completion of an academic course for which learning is measured and evaluated.
Certificate of Participation
Any non-formalized course, seminar, workshop which addresses one or more of the following areas of study: occupational skill development, academic study, personal interest/growth, for which specific learning or performance is not measured or evaluated.
Programs that offer this credential are approved programs of study consisting of a prescribed combination of courses that must address:
- occupational skill development.
- academic or general study.
- self interest or personal growth.
Diploma Programs will normally:
- be prescribed over a minimum of a 4-semester period.
- be comprised of a minimum of 80 credits; and
- consist of a maximum of 7 courses per semester.
Microcredential-Digital Badge
A certification of assessed competencies that is additional, alternative, complementary to or a formal component of a formal qualification. A microcredential recognizes the learner’s achievement of a set of competencies. The three core features are:
- They are based on competencies that are in demand by industry and employers.
- The focus is on demonstrating mastery of competencies.
- The learner is awarded a digital certification upon successful demonstration of the competencies.
A badge is a digital representation of a microcredential. Badges will contain the name of the issuing institution, the competency achieved, and the level of achievement. Badges contain metadata on the nature of the competencies verified and their assessment instruments.
Post Diploma
A post diploma is a diploma to be issued upon successful completion of a minimum two-semester program that requires either graduation from a recognized two or three-year post-secondary diploma or degree, or a combination of other post-secondary work and industry experience acceptable to the College as an entrance requirement.