
Barry Hicks

Biology and Entymology
College of the North Atlantic's Carbonear Campus

Barry Hicks

Barry attended Memorial University of Newfoundland for his BSc and MSc degrees in Biology. In 1998, he was recipient of the Rothermere Foundation Fellowship and completed a PhD in Forest Entomology at Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland.  His main areas of research include: invasive insects species and their impact on the Newfoundland insect fauna, insect population dynamics, biological control using pathogenic fungi and pollination by native bees. He has over 30 papers published in refereed journals and has presented at several national and international conferences.

In 2008, the Applied Entomology Lab was established at the Carbonear Campus of the College of the North Atlantic. The lab engages in diverse research activities to help understand entomological problems in Newfoundland and Labrador. The lab has a Leica MZ6 stereomicroscope with video/photo capability and Leica measuring software. The lab houses a laminar flow sterile workstation and an E8 ConViron environmentally controlled growth chamber.



Journal Publications
