
Dr. Aaruun V. M. Arunachalam

Instrutor - CAS Transfer Physics
College of the North Atlantic's Burin Campus

Dr. Aaruun V. M. Arunachalam

Teaches Physics courses to CAS Transfer students at Burin Campus.

Dr. Arunachalam has combined experiences in theoretical analysis, computational analysis, experimental data gathering, dimensional analysis and data analysis.

Aaruun specializes in offshore and coastal ocean wave mechanics and wave-structure interaction, wave-sheet-ice interaction, wave-iceberg interaction, ice-mechanics and ice structure interaction, and mass-transfer of oxygen to blood in pulmonary capillaries and bubble blood oxygenators.

Dr. Arunachalam had been Chair of the Newfoundland and Labrador chapter of Canadian Society Civil Engineering (CSCE) for 3 years, Chair of the Engineering Mechanics Division of CSCE for 5 years, Cold Regions Engineering Division for CSCE or 3 years.

He had been a member of international conference organizing committees, Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE) and International Society for Offshore and Polar Engineering (ISOPE.


Journal Publications