Success takes time

2/26/2007 11:08:58 AM

Carol Skinner returned to complete her high school equivalency at 45 years old. Today, she is an instructor at College of the North Atlantic.

There aren’t many who go back for a high school diploma after enjoying a successful career for more than a decade. Yet at 45, Carol Skinner did just that.

When Carol dropped out of Grade 10 in Pickering, Ontario in the 70s, work was easy to come by. She found a job in retail and eventually worked her way up through to management. She remained in retail off and on for 15 years, until she and her husband moved to Newfoundland in 1996. It was almost an afterthought that pointed her in the right direction.

“I hadn’t been able to find work for a while and was wondering what I’d do. One of my husband’s hockey friends suggested I take ABE to make me more employable.”

The couple lives in Codroy Valley – a remote scenic area on the southwest coast of the island. Carol’s husband travels half an hour each day to his work place in Port aux Basques, which provided her with an opportunity to avail of the ABE program offered at a College of the North Atlantic campus there. But she had her misgivings.

“I said, ‘my God, I’m not going back to school, I’ll be the only one my age there!’”

Carol overcame her fears, and once there, excelled in the Level III program. She was doing so well, her instructors recommended that she go on to further post-secondary studies. She took their encouragement and advice to heart and enrolled in Tourism Studies at the college’s Bay St. George campus.

“I took the Tourism Studies program from 2001-2003 and stayed in residence… now that was an interesting experience at my age!”

Once she conquered her fears, Carol embraced the opportunity. Not only did she do well in the program, representing her class at the hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador conference in Gander during her second year, but she graduated with honours and was presented with the President’s Medal of Excellence for the highest academic standing in her program. Upon graduation, Carol landed a position with the Codroy Valley RV campground, where she worked for two years using her tourism know-how.

“It is a really busy campground. They do a lot of caravan work, with visitors from the US in particular,” says Carol. “I helped them put together visitor information packets, gather tourist information, arrange luncheons, things like that.”

One day out of the blue she received a call from CNA’s Port aux Basques campus, asking if she’d be interested in teaching the 11-week Frontline Hospitality/Retail Sales program. Though a little apprehensive at trying something she hadn’t done before, Carol jumped at the change to augment her resume with teaching experience.

“It was nerve racking in the beginning but the students and support staff were amazing,” shares Carol.

The experience went well and Carol realized she may have found a calling. She went back to CNA’s Bay St. George campus as a student and completed a Train the Trainer certificate in Sanitation – certified by the Canadian Restaurant and Food Service Association. This would give her additional skills she could possibly utilize for future teaching or for working.

“A lot of us in that course were planning to work in the tourism industry. Many students have benefited from doing this certificate.”

Since then, Carol has taught a 10-week course in Employability Skills at Port aux Basques campus and is preparing to teach the new Career Exploration for Women program being offered at the campus in January. It has taken her some time to get to this point but Carol says she’s enjoyed the ride. And will continue to.

“There are so many things in life to keep us busy… you have to keep plugging,” she says.

“I’ve often said to my students: ‘I’ve been in your position… I am living proof that you can do it.’”

The 52 year old is proud of her age, her son and two grandchildren and her decision to return to school.

“I went back to school at 45 years old. Now with life experiences it’s easier the second time around… it’s a joy to learn.”


For more information contact:

Tanya Alexander
Public Information Officer
CNA Headquarters
709 643.7928