
Grand Falls - Windsor Campus



Wednesday, September 4, 2024
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Orientation- 8:30AM NDT to 10:30AM NDT
    9/4/2024 08:30AM9/4/2024 10:30AMAmerica/St_JohnsOrientationOrientation sessions for first year on-campus students Location: Cafteria College of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Orientation sessions for first year on-campus students Location: Cafteria line separator
Thursday, September 5, 2024
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Info Session- 10:30AM NDT- 1:30PM NDT
    9/5/2024 10:30AM9/5/2024 01:30PMAmerica/St_JohnsInfo SessionSession to International Students Location: Room 315College of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Session to International Students Location: Room 315line separator
Friday, September 6, 2024
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Breakfast- 8:30AM NDT to 11:30AM NDT
    9/6/2024 08:30AM9/6/2024 11:30AMAmerica/St_JohnsBreakfastTown breakfast in the cafeteria College of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Town breakfast in the cafeteria line separator
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Panel Discussion- 11:30AM NDT
    9/6/2024 11:30AM9/6/2024 11:30AMAmerica/St_JohnsPanel DiscussionStudent panel for new studentsCollege of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Student panel for new studentsline separator
Monday, September 9, 2024
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Seminar- 10:30AM NDT
    9/9/2024 10:30AM9/9/2024 10:30AMAmerica/St_JohnsSeminarGuidance counsellor seminar.College of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Guidance counsellor seminar.line separator
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Campus Fair- 10:00AM NDT
    9/10/2024 10:00AM9/10/2024 10:00AMAmerica/St_JohnsCampus FairCampus and Communtiy Connections Fair. Location: On CampusCollege of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Campus and Communtiy Connections Fair. Location: On Campusline separator
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Dance and Social- 6:00PM NDT
    9/10/2024 06:00PM9/10/2024 06:00PMAmerica/St_JohnsDance and SocialANC Dance and Sociel. Location: CafeteriaCollege of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    ANC Dance and Sociel. Location: Cafeterialine separator
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
  • All Campuses
    International CNA student/graduate Q&A - All day event
    9/11/2024 9/11/2024 America/St_JohnsInternational CNA student/graduate Q&ADo you have questions about Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic immigration programs or about the process to Permanent Residency (PR)? Current students and those who have recently graduated have the opportunity to meet with an Immigration Program Development Officer from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism (OIM). Student calls are facilitated through an online video platform. Students have the opportunity to ask questions about Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic immigration programs, learn more about the process to Permanent Residency (PR), and ask questions related to their personal circumstances. Immigration Program Development Officers will share information, helpful links, and resources so that students can feel better informed about the Provincially supported PR pathways available to them. College of the North Atlantic, in partnership with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills are pleased to inform you that each Wednesday morning you can register for a 30-minute virtual one-on-one sessions with an Immigration Program Development Officer. To book an appointment click here. You will have to provide your name, email address and phont number in order to book an appointment. Bookings are only available two weeks in advance. After you have booked an appointment, you will receive an email with an attachment to put it in your Microsoft Outlook calendar. The email will also contain the link to join the session virtually.College of the North Atlantic Campus: All Campuses

    Do you have questions about Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic immigration programs or about the process to Permanent Residency (PR)?

    Current students and those who have recently graduated have the opportunity to meet with an Immigration Program Development Officer from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism (OIM).

    Student calls are facilitated through an online video platform. Students have the opportunity to ask questions about Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic immigration programs, learn more about the process to Permanent Residency (PR), and ask questions related to their personal circumstances.

    Immigration Program Development Officers will share information, helpful links, and resources so that students can feel better informed about the Provincially supported PR pathways available to them.

    College of the North Atlantic, in partnership with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills are pleased to inform you that each Wednesday morning you can register for a 30-minute virtual one-on-one sessions with an Immigration Program Development Officer.

    To book an appointment https://outlook.office365.com/book/InternationalProgramCoordinatorMeetingRequest@Cotna.onmicrosoft.com" target="_blank">click here.
    You will have to provide your name, email address and phont number in order to book an appointment. Bookings are only available two weeks in advance.

    After you have booked an appointment, you will receive an email with an attachment to put it in your Microsoft Outlook calendar. The email will also contain the link to join the session virtually.line separator
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Game Time- 2:00PM NDT
    9/11/2024 02:00PM9/11/2024 02:00PMAmerica/St_JohnsGame TimeJoin us for Game time in the Caferia College of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Join us for Game time in the Caferia line separator
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Movie Night- 7:00PM NDT
    9/11/2024 07:00PM9/11/2024 07:00PMAmerica/St_JohnsMovie NightJoin us for movie night. Classic Theatre.College of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Join us for movie night. Classic Theatre.line separator
Thursday, September 12, 2024
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Mental Health Presentation- 10:30AM NDT
    9/12/2024 10:30AM9/12/2024 10:30AMAmerica/St_JohnsMental Health PresentationCanadian Mental Health Association Presentation College of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Canadian Mental Health Association Presentation line separator
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Scavenger Hunt- 2:30PM NDT
    9/12/2024 02:30PM9/12/2024 02:30PMAmerica/St_JohnsScavenger HuntPhotos Scavenger Hunt in the CafeteriaCollege of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Photos Scavenger Hunt in the Cafeterialine separator
Friday, September 13, 2024
  • Grand Falls - Windsor
    Quad Squad- 10:30AM NDT
    9/13/2024 10:30AM9/13/2024 10:30AMAmerica/St_JohnsQuad SquadJoin us for the Quad Squad Callenge in the CafeteriaCollege of the North Atlantic Campus: Grand Falls - Windsor

    Join us for the Quad Squad Callenge in the Cafeterialine separator
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
  • All Campuses
    International CNA student/graduate Q&A - All day event
    9/18/2024 9/18/2024 America/St_JohnsInternational CNA student/graduate Q&ADo you have questions about Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic immigration programs or about the process to Permanent Residency (PR)? Current students and those who have recently graduated have the opportunity to meet with an Immigration Program Development Officer from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism (OIM). Student calls are facilitated through an online video platform. Students have the opportunity to ask questions about Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic immigration programs, learn more about the process to Permanent Residency (PR), and ask questions related to their personal circumstances. Immigration Program Development Officers will share information, helpful links, and resources so that students can feel better informed about the Provincially supported PR pathways available to them. College of the North Atlantic, in partnership with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills are pleased to inform you that each Wednesday morning you can register for a 30-minute virtual one-on-one sessions with an Immigration Program Development Officer. To book an appointment click here. You will have to provide your name, email address and phont number in order to book an appointment. Bookings are only available two weeks in advance. After you have booked an appointment, you will receive an email with an attachment to put it in your Microsoft Outlook calendar. The email will also contain the link to join the session virtually.College of the North Atlantic Campus: All Campuses

    Do you have questions about Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic immigration programs or about the process to Permanent Residency (PR)?

    Current students and those who have recently graduated have the opportunity to meet with an Immigration Program Development Officer from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism (OIM).

    Student calls are facilitated through an online video platform. Students have the opportunity to ask questions about Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic immigration programs, learn more about the process to Permanent Residency (PR), and ask questions related to their personal circumstances.

    Immigration Program Development Officers will share information, helpful links, and resources so that students can feel better informed about the Provincially supported PR pathways available to them.

    College of the North Atlantic, in partnership with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills are pleased to inform you that each Wednesday morning you can register for a 30-minute virtual one-on-one sessions with an Immigration Program Development Officer.

    To book an appointment https://outlook.office365.com/book/InternationalProgramCoordinatorMeetingRequest@Cotna.onmicrosoft.com" target="_blank">click here.
    You will have to provide your name, email address and phont number in order to book an appointment. Bookings are only available two weeks in advance.

    After you have booked an appointment, you will receive an email with an attachment to put it in your Microsoft Outlook calendar. The email will also contain the link to join the session virtually.line separator
Monday, September 30, 2024
  • All Campuses
    College CLOSED
    9/30/2024 9/30/2024 America/St_JohnsCollege CLOSEDFor National Day for Truth and ReconciliationCollege of the North Atlantic Campus: All Campuses

    For National Day for Truth and Reconciliationline separator
Additional events may be added, so stay tuned.


Virtual Tour







Below you will find some media and resources to help with your transition.

These other campus documents are also available on our campus page at www.cna.nl.ca/gf
Click to download these in PDF format!

Program Cost Forms

Last Updated: Jan 13 2025 11:36AM

Darlene 709.486.1527
Boarding house, 1 bedrooms, utilities, cable & internet included. Available September 1, 2024.

Terrilynn 709.486.8306
1 bedroom plus small office apartment, shared laundry available, own entrance, no pets, $850/month, utilities included. Available in May, 2024. Contact for details.  

Keith, 709.489.6029, 14 Bishop Street
$300.00 month.  1 bedroom apartment. Fridge, stove, washer and dryer included. POU.

Carl or Lorraine, 709.489.3929, 39 Lind Avenue
$750.00 per month. 3-bedroom apartment. Washer and dryer included. POU.

709.489.0332, 9 Larch Street
$700.00 month. 2-bedroom apartment. Own entrance. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, heat and light included. Currently rented.

Judy or Brian, 709.489.1248 (after 5pm), 12 Gately Street
2-bedroom apartment. POU.

Donna, 709.293.1536, 13 Bishop's Street
$750.00 month. 1 bedroom apartment. Partly furnished. Hear, light, washer and dryer included. 

Fred or Joe, 709.486.5702, 709.486.7777
2 bedroom apartment. Currently rented.

Donna 709-486-2034
3 bedroom house for rent. Queen Street. Currently rented.

Above ground 2 bedroom apartment, partially furnished, 35-A Birch Street. $550.00 POU

Sharon Hobbs   34dunnplace@gmail.com
2 bedroom Apartment. Dunn Place. Currently rented.

1 bedroom partially funished basement apartment. Includes W/D, wifi, H&L, parking. $800.00 month. $400.00 damage deposit along with references.

1 bedroom apartment. $650.00 month. POU Free internet. Damage deposit and first month's rent. Currently rented.

April, 709.486.5475
$115.00 week. Internet, Netflix, laundry, heat and light included. Buy own groceries.

Belinda, 709.489.4563, 709.638.3382, 8 Birch Street. Currently rented.

Bob, 709.489.7432, 8 Glenwood Avenue
$30.00 a day without meal and $35.00 a day with meals. Internet, cable, internet. Transportation is available for $5.00 day if needed

Lorraine, 709. 489.4299
Accepting one boarder for one room. Inquire for details. 

Marie Kealey, 709.489.2931, 13 Brown Avenue
One room available.

Mary Murray, 709.489.5240, 64 Grenfell Heights
Kitchenette and own entrance.

10 minutes fro CNA. Meals included. No smoking or pets. Monday – Friday.

Peg, 709.489.2706
Meals included. Own entrance.

Penny, 709-293-2438
$150 a week, Mon-Fri, no weekends, includes internet, cable and laundry. 

Leon, 709.486.7335
2 boarders. 10 minutes walk from school.

Pam, 489.3133, Red Cliff
2 boarders. H&L, Wifi, and cable included. $550

Boarding house

Sharon, 604.375.3723
2 bedroom apartment, Dunn Place, off street parking, utilities included. Available in August 2024. Two apartments for rent. Contact for details.

Boarding house, 2 rooms, fully furnished, w/d, internet included.

Elaine 709-489-5720
One bedroom apartment for rent, fully furnished. Chamerlain Street. $600 a month; everything included. Currently rented.

Margaret 709-489-6087
One bedroom apartment for rent, fridge and stove included. 1st Avenue. $650 a month; heat and light included. Currently rented.
Brenda 709-486-9558
One bedroom for rent, available just for the winter. Available for September, 2024.

Pete 709-486-6432 or 709-486-2657
Two bedroom basement apartment. Inludes: Full bathroom, tv/living room, shared laundry facility and possible kitchen service on main floor. Located in Bishop's Falls, near restaurant and bakery. $900 a month. 

Tammy 709-486-3724
Two fully furnished bedrooms to rent in private home, located close to Church Park, CNA and the downtown area. Includes: Fully furnished, heat, light and cable included. $700 a month. Currently rented.

Alex 709-315-4637
Three bedroom house, centrally located close to CNA, hospital and other town amenities. Includes: Fully furnished, cable tv, streaming apps (Netflix, Prime), wifi, heat and light. $475 a month, per bedroom. 

Mary or Ed 709-489-5240
Two bedroom apartment, in Grenfell Heights, GFW. Available March 1st, 2024. Includes: fridge, stove, and hookup for washer and driver. $800 a month, pay own utilities. 

NEW June 3, 2024
Brian 709-290-4015
Two bedroom, two bathroom main floor of a house. Included: Fridge, stove, microwave, dishwasher, washer & dryer, master bedroom with ensuite bathrom and walk-in shower. $1600 a month, heat and electricity included. Wheelchair accessable. Currently rented.

NEW July 17, 2024
Crystal 709-636-3772 Call or Text.
One bedroom with double bed, with living-room area with couch and tv that comes with Netflix and cable. Included: internet, parking space for 1, access to washer and dryer. Shared bathroom and kitchen with one person. $600 a month. 

NEW August 14, 2024
Darlene 709.486.1527
Boarding house, 1 bedrooms, utilities, cable & internet included. Available September 1, 2024.

NEW August 23, 2024
John 709-572-0632
One bedroom for rent. Includes washer and dryer. Contact for more information. 

NEW August 26, 2024
Eileen 709-486-0888

One bedroom. Includes wifi, utilities and access to the whole house. Contact for more information. 

NEW August 26, 2024
Karen 709-728-8950

Studio apartment, with full kitchen, laundry, bath and stand-up shower. Available for viewings starting August 29, 2024. Contact for more information. Currently rented. 

NEW October 28, 2024

Two bedroom aparment, ideal location next to CNA, spacious bedrooms and living room, private entryway. Available mid-November, 2024. Contact for more information. 

NEW November 13, 2024
Lorraine, 709. 489.4299
Accepting one boarder for one room. Inquire for details.

NEW December 2, 2024
Sherry, 709-899-0100
Room rental. Inquire for details.

NEW January 6, 2025
Brian, 709-572-8580
Room rental. Within walking distance. Inquire for details.

NEW January 13, 2025
Mark, 709-572-2459
Room rental, partially furnished. $600 a month, utilities included. 10 minute walk from campus. Contact for more details.

About Grand Falls - Windsor Campus

Welcome and thank you for visiting the Grand Falls-Windsor Campus website, College of the North Atlantic. We invite you to explore our programs and services through the pages and links provided. If you still have questions and or suggestions after you have taken the tour please contact us by visiting our campus or contacting us by telephone or email.

Grand Falls-Windsor campus of College of the North Atlantic is located in central Newfoundland. The campus services two economic zones which are the Exploits Valley with a population of 27,000 residents, and the Coast of Bays with a population of 8,000 residents.

The Grand Falls-Windsor campus has a lot to offer students with diverse educational interests – from one, two and three year diploma and certificate programs to personal interest courses. Our campus is focused on ensuring the learner is at the center of the learning process. Our human and program resources are aimed at helping students reach their personal and educational goals. A key element of this includes 21 credit transfer agreements with universities through Canada and the United States.
There are numerous services and resources available at the Grand Falls-Windsor Campus to enhance student life, including a guidance counselor, a student development officer, an academic resource center, student services office, an extensive library, an active student council, an Enactus chapter, and a full service cafeteria. The community of Grand Falls-Windsor is a safe, family-oriented and business friendly community, the hub of the Exploits Valley in harmony with its neighboring communities. The town has several amenities such as shopping centers, restaurants, health services, and several entertainment facilities.

Helpful links and other information:

Find us at:

College of the North Atlantic
5 Cromer Ave
Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
A2A 1X3
Tel: 709-292-5600
1 888 982 2268

Words from your Host

My name is Rob Hillier, and I am the Student Development Officer at Grand Falls-Windsor campus of the College of the North Atlantic.

The Grand Falls-Windsor campus has a lot to offer students with diverse educational interests – from one, two and three year diploma and certificate programs to personal interest courses. Our campus is focused on ensuring the learner is at the center of the learning process. Our human and program resources are aimed at helping students reach their personal and educational goals. A key element of this includes 21 credit transfer agreements with universities throughout Canada and the United States.

There are numerous services and resources available at the Grand Falls-Windsor Campus to enhance student life, including a Guidance Counselor, a Student Development Officer, student services office, an extensive library, an active student council, an Enactus chapter, and a full service cafeteria.

Generally, I provide students with out-of-the-classroom type services and act as a liaison between students, faculty, staff and administration.

I am involved with:

  • Planning and facilitating orientation activities in conjunction with other college staff
  • Student council – the council runs itself, but I act as a liaison between the council and staff and lend support/advise (involved with CNASU)
  • Peer tutoring – free for students requiring tutoring, while the tutors get paid by the campus (maximum of 15 hours per relationship).  I assist with matching tutors and relevant students.
  • Student Aid information and loan status
  • Planning our graduation event
  • Scholarships and awards – deadline of January for internal provincial awards and March for campus awards
  • Coordinating visitation by many external community and regional groups
  • Recruitment – inquiries at campus, high schools, community groups, etc
  • Delegation of campus lockers
  • Anything else that students need, they can come see me (even if they are not sure where to go)

Your host