Supplementary Examinations
Supplementary examinations provide an opportunity for students to improve their standing in a course in which they have attained a failing grade of 5 or 10 marks below the stated pass mark.
The grade attained in a supplementary examination will replace only the grade attained in the final examination for the course and will be combined with marks previously attained for term work.
The following conditions must be met in order to qualify for supplementary examination:
- Students may be eligible to write one supplementary examination per semester
- Supplementary examinations will not apply to any course in which the final examination is worth less than 30%
- Supplementary examinations will be scheduled and written during the supplementary period following the regular examination period, but shall be no later than 7 calendar days into the subsequent semester.
- Students must apply, in writing, by submitting a Supplementary Examination Application (available at the Student Services office). The established fee must accompany the application form. Refunds will be permitted only if permission to write an examination is not granted.
- If the mark obtained in the supplementary is lower than the original mark obtained on the regular examination, the original mark will be included in calculating the grade point average.
- Academically dismissed students are not eligible to write supplementary examinations.
- For purposes of transfer of credit, students must be aware that other post-secondary institutions may not accept grades attained through supplementary examinations.
- Comprehensive Arts & Science (CAS) Transfer: College-University programs students who write supplementary examinations are advised to consult with a counsellor concerning transferability of courses to Memorial University.
Deferred Examinations
Students who are prevented by illness, bereavement or other acceptable cause from writing a final examination, where one is scheduled, may apply for permission to write a deferred examination. The deferred examination is the final examination for the individual concerned.
Where possible, deferred exams should be completed by the last day of that semester, or as soon as feasible thereafter, but shall be no later than one week into the subsequent semester.
A deferred examination application must be submitted to the campus admissions/student services office within two (2) days after the date on which the regular examination was scheduled. The request for a deferred exam will be assessed by campus administration or designate in consultation with faculty members. Students should note that permission to write deferred examinations is a privilege, not a right, granted solely on the basis of extenuating circumstances.
Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA)
To calculate your GPA follow this procedure:
- Make a table of all the courses completed to date (from your transcript), and list them in columnar format on the left side of your page.
- In an adjacent column write the credit value of these courses. You can find the credit value in the College calendar in the section where your program is listed. It will be listed as credit hours/week.
- Next, from your transcript convert your mark in each course to a Grade Value, using the following guide.
80% and above - 4 pts
70-75% - 3 pts
60-65% - 2 pts
50-55% - 1 pts
49% & below - 0 pts
- Multiply the credit value in step 2 by the grade value point in step 3. Write your total points for each course in a third column on the right of your table.
- Add up your credit values to get your total credit values attempted. Add up your total points.
- Your grade point average can now be calculated by dividing the total points by the total credit value attempted.
The following table illustrates this exercise: