To determine the opening hours or contact information of a particular campus library learning commons, please click a campus name in the top menu of this page.
To help you find what you’re looking for, please login to our Explore Our Online Resources page (see links above). Once logged in, you can discover what books, videos, journals, and other periodicals are available from our campus libraries, retrieve articles and other resources from our article databases, consult websites that may help you in your research, and get useful research tips on how to get started, how to evaluate sources, and how to choose what information is best for you.
Library Services staff are happy to offer one-on-one help in person, by phone or email. Don’t be shy about asking for help!
Circulation Services are defined in CNA Library Services – Circulation: Procedure:
SS-209-PR as:
Those services involved with: circulating materials held by a CNA library learning commons; placing holds on items that are checked out; and borrowing or lending items through intercampus or interlibrary loan.
If you wish to borrow circulating materials held by a campus library learning commons, you can visit that library learning commons and borrow the items directly. If it is not practical for you to visit in-person the campus library learning commons holding the materials you need, we will mail the desired materials directly to you. Items held by a library learning commons that are on Reserve are usually not available for mail out. If an item in a collection is only available for use in the library learning commons, such as a reference book, we will, according to what permissible under copyright law, photocopy or make a scanned copy of a specific article from that reference work and either mail or email that article to you.
You can find out what materials are available for delivery by searching the
library catalogue. Click on details to get the full record. To request a specific item, copy and paste the information you find in the catalogue into an email message addressed to the owning library learning commons (see email addresses under the campus names in the top menu of this page). You can also telephone the particular library learning commons or email
Ask-A-Librarian for assistance.
Books for mail out will be signed out to you for two weeks, with an additional two weeks provided for shipping time. Renewals are usually possible. The books will be mailed to you at no charge and we will include a postage paid label for you to return them to us. If you do not receive the package in a week, please let us know.
If you wish to borrow an item that is not available through one of our library learning commons, we may be able to get that item for you on interlibrary loan. Just email your library learning commons with information about the item that you are looking for and we will see if we can obtain that item for you. Procedures for obtaining interlibrary loans are explained in Procedure:
We do not charge fines for overdue materials. Borrowers who fail to return items to us, however, will be billed by the College for replacement costs and will have their borrowing privileges suspended until the bill is paid or the items are returned or replaced. Borrowers who have outstanding bills for non-returned library learning commons materials will be denied transcripts, certificates, and diplomas and will not be permitted to register for courses at any campus of College of the North Atlantic until restitution is made.
To return the materials, put them back in the same envelope in which you received them, seal the envelope securely, and attach to the envelope the postage paid shipping label provided. Take the envelope to a local post office or drop it in a Canada Post mail box.