Student Satisfaction and Engagement Surveys are used to solicit feedback from students on a variety of areas at CNA.
The results will help to improve student supports and services and overall facilitate constructive recommendations in the institution.
What is a Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey?
It is a questionnaire which gives current students the opportunity to provide feedback pertaining to college supports, services and facilities. The Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey should not be confused with the bi-annual Course Evaluation Survey that students complete each semester. With the Course Evaluations geared towards your learning time in the classroom, the Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey relates more to your overall experience attending the institution, including but not limited to the various support services and facilities at your campus (e.g. satisfaction with student services, library, facilities, cafeteria services, etc).
Is there a short and long version of the Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey?
Yes. An abbreviated (3 question) version of the survey will be launched for 2 consecutive years, while the full version of the survey will be launched every 3rd year to gather more in-depth information on student satisfaction and engagement.
How will the results be used or shared?
Feedback will be used by campus and college leadership to effectively improve student supports and services. Results will be kept confidentially by CNA’s Office of Institutional Research (IR) and will only be used for analytic purposes. Final reports will not contain, nor refer to, any personal identifiable information. High level aggregate results may also be shared during a collaborative exercise with Atlantic Colleges to benchmark student satisfaction across the Atlantic provinces.
Why is completing the Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey important?
As a current student utilizing college supports and services, your feedback will allow us to understand areas of strength and areas that may need to be improved upon for a more satisfying experience as a CNA student.
How do you access the Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey?
The survey will be sent electronically to your college email on the launch date and you’ll have approximately three weeks to complete it. The survey should work on any college computer or personal mobile device. Should you have any problems opening the survey, please copy and paste the link embedded in the email into a new web browser.
When will the survey be available?
The survey will be administered annually the second weekend in February. Stay tuned to email and campus flyers for specific launch details. The survey will remain open to students for approximately three weeks.
Are there incentives for completing the survey?
Since response rates may affect the integrity of results, it is important that students take part in this important initiative. To encourage students to participate, prizes may be drawn randomly from those completing the survey. See survey invitation email for more details.
Who to contact if there are more questions?
If you have any additional questions about the Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey, please contact the Office of Institutional Research at