Personal Support

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Why seek help?

There are many reasons you might want to see a counsellor.  Some common issues that students come to us with, include:
Personal Concerns
  • Relationship difficulties
  • High levels of stress or anxiety
  • Feeling depressed
  • Eating and body image concerns
  • Grief and loss
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Sexual assault
  • Coping with a traumatic event
Academic Concerns
  • Problems with studying and concentration
  • Procrastination and time management issues
  • Overcoming test anxiety
  • Notetaking
  • Exam preparation
Career Counselling
  • Changing your program or career goal
  • Exploring other post-secondary programs
  • Help learning job search techniques

When should I seek counselling?

There is no right or wrong time to seek counselling, but the earlier you reach out for help to deal with a problem the better. So, if you are struggling to cope with an issue or your problems are interfering with your school/personal life, contact your counsellor today:

How do I make an appointment?

To see a counsellor on campus you can simply stop by their office or contact them via phone/email to schedule an appointment.
See the Our Team section of this page for contact information of a counsellor near you.

How long does it take to get an appointment?

Walk-in appointments may be available and are on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, students are strongly encouraged to schedule an appointment via phone/email to avoid potentially long wait times.

Is counselling confidential?

Confidentiality is the foundation of the counselling relationship.  Therefore, communication between you and your counsellor will not be shared with anyone outside of counselling services without your written consent.  This includes: instructors, campus administrators, outside agencies, or family members.

Please note: Counsellors are governed by a Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards that requires them, by law, to release confidential information in the following circumstances:
  • If a child is in need of protection
  • If any person, including yourself, is in danger or at risk of physical harm
  • If required by a court of law

How much does it cost?

Counselling services are free of charge to all registered CNA students - both on campus and through Online Learning.

How many sessions will I get?

Personal counselling is typically provided on a short-term, solution-focused basis to help you learn new life skills, resolve problems, and experience greater wellbeing. As such, counselling is may be completed in just one or two sessions or occur over a number of sessions throughout the year. Your counsellor will typically schedule an initial appointment with you to gather information, clarify goals and establish a treatment plan to address your concerns. The specific counselling approach and the number and frequency of counselling sessions required will be decided upon by you and your counsellor at that time.

If you require long-term counselling support or specialized mental health services, your counsellor may provide a referral to community mental health services.

What are my Responsibilities?

Your commitment and willingness to take an active role in the counselling process is critical to its success.  Therefore, it is important to be aware of your responsibilities as a client:    
  • Provide complete and accurate information to the best of your ability
  • Be an active participant in the counselling process
  • Be open and honest with your counsellor if you have any questions/concerns about the work that you are doing together
  • Arrive at your sessions on time
  • Provide advance notice if you are unable to attend a session
  • Complete homework assignments as recommended by your counselor (E.g. practice a new skill, keep a journal, read a book/article)
  • Assume responsibility of your personal growth both during and following termination of your counseling sessions

What should I do if I am in crisis?

  • Contact someone you trust
  • Go to the nearest hospital
  • Call 911
  • Call a crisis line:
    • Mental Health Crisis Line 811 or  CLICK HERE to view the Service Directory.
    • Crisis Text Line: Text “Talk” to 686868
    • Domestic Violence Helpline 1-888-709-7090
    • Sexual Assault Crisis Line 1-800-726-2743

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