Financing your Education

  • Student Loans
  • Bursaries
  • Employment Insurance
  • Resources

Student Loans


The Government of Canada and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador work together to provide you with student financial assistance. With one application you will be assessed for both federal and provincial financial assistance.

Visit Student Aid NL and Government of Canada for information to help you plan for your post-secondary education.

Applying for a Student Loan

Student Loan Application Must Include:

Important Information

How to get your loan



Campus Contacts


Email Inquiries:
Document Submission:
(709) 729-5849 or 1-888-657-0800
StudentAidNL, Department of Education, Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6




College of the North Atlantic offers the following entrance bursaries to aid the financial needs of students:

Joyce Family Foundation Bursary

Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited Entrance Bursary

Fry Family Foundation Bob Dawson Bursary


Employment Insurance


The Department of Immigration, Population, Skills and Growth offers a Skills Development program which provides financial support to eligible individuals who are seeking full-time post-secondary training at a public or private training institution.
Programs must be 12 weeks or great in duration, or short-term training of less than 12 weeks. Individuals must be Employment Insurance eligible, and be engaged in a case management approach with the department, including the development of an Employment Plan.
Individuals have to apply by emailing to start the Employment Plan process, which includes:
  • A general information session
  • The identification of barriers
  • A detailed job search
  • Labour market research
  • Career exploration
  • Work and educational history and
  • Other items that may be identified
It is important that students begin this process as soon as possible in order to meet funding deadlines to begin their program in September. Students are recommended for funding once the Employment Plan and all related documents are received.
For more information visit: The Department of Immigration, Population, Skills and Growth - Skills Development