CNA’s OARI was tasked with mapping underground drifts apart of Fabled Copper’s Muskwa Project in Northern British Colombia in August, 2022. The Muskwa Project is an abandoned copper mine that was active briefly in the early 1970s. In order to re-open the mine, accurate positioning of the pre-existing drifts and adits , as well as the assets inside them, is required.
While with open pit operations a global navigation satellite system-enabled UAV (Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle) is able to collect georeferenced images and/or LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) with limited contact to the site itself, underground mines must first be georeferenced throughout the entire desired area before scanning can commence. Adapting to the less than ideal conditions an abandoned mine presents, OARI was able to map the entire accessible length of two drifts with GeoSLAM’s Zeb Horizon, a handheld mobile laser scanner, during the four-day trip. Two georeferenced, dense 3D point clouds covering the drifts were generated, showing not only the spatial position of the drifts, but also the copper mineralization along the walls and ceiling of the drift, using the intensity of the laser after it reflected off of a surface.